Like most kids, Duncan loves to draw, paint, and sculpt. Hardly a day passes when he doesn't bring home art from school or his babysitters'. He's also got a craft table in the basement of our house. Sometimes he just likes to sketch at the kitchen table or on his lap. But what to do with all that art? Last night we strung a piece of garden twine across the wall of Duncan's bedroom and let him choose some pictures we could peg to it.
A family portrait. I love the huge shoes we're all wearing. We do stomp around in Blundstones.
Hairy tree.
For "Hundreds Day," Duncan coloured in 100 boats in a harbour.
Duncan wanted his own blog, so he designed one with my help. Maybe I'll ask him if he wants to upload some of these pictures to it and I can type up what he wants to say about them.
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