Saturday, April 11, 2009

Place-Based Art Here and There

Last summer we visited the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton which, at the time, had an exhibit of placed-based art by a variety of sculptors. I enjoyed the fact that you could be walking around in the middle of a forest and stumble upon something completely unexpected, like a giant block of wood growing out of a tree stump...
or rivers of twigs streaming out of large urns.

Back in our neighbourhood yesterday, we discovered a tree (Catalpa?) that had dropped hundreds of blood red seed pods all over the owner's front lawn. I'm not sure if the owner was trying to mulch around the tree with the seed pods, or trying to do something artistic with them, but the image was still striking. 

Duncan let me borrow his little wagon and we carted some seed pods to the park and back home. They make a nice, percussive sound when you shake them. We're creating soundscapes in our class right now. I'll bring them to class in case anyone can use them. 

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